Wednesday, May 9, 2012

If white Lilies could talk

A Greek legend says that the white lily is the symbol of innocence, of that who doesn’t know what the danger is. In the westerly folklore there is a word saying that, on the tomb of those convicted for a crime that they didn’t commit, the white lily is growing without being planted. In the Orient it is said that the white lily is the color mourning. Yet at the same time it can represent sincere love, full of respect and devotion and to offer white lilies on a wedding occasion means to wish good for the happy couple. 

I will always think of Laurie Anderson when I see white lilies. One of her songs goes something like this:

What Fassbinder film is it? 
The one-armed man walks into a flower shop 
And says: What flower expresses 
Days go by 
And they just keep going by endlessly 
Pulling you Into the future
Days go by 
Endlessly pulling you 
Into the future?
And the florist says: White Lily.

As a teenager I loved to run! Almost every day I would run and a couple days a week from my house to the Seal Beach Jetty equipped with my headphones and music. One particular evening it was pouring rain and I had decided what an awesome time to go running. I slipped on my rainproof jogging suit, clipped on the headset and grabbed my Laurie Anderson Tape "Oh Superman", I think it may have belonged to my sister.  It seemed as if I were running endlessly in that rain and when I got to the jetty I walked all the way to the end and sat there listening over and over the same tape. It was dark, waves crashing against the rocks, and Laurie just made the difference at that time in my life! Thank You Laurie!